Password Manager

by VPVA Inc.


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Your own secure private network on any network.User Guide is available at today's world passwords are the main gates of doing any kind of transactions.And passwords need to be strong (not easy to crack).All this makes passwords to be not manageable by humans.They should be kept in digital wallets which are easily accessible by devices such as phones,tablets and laptops.Password Manager is such a digital wallet.One password manager is enough for one person with any number of devices and laptops or PCs.And passwords are accessible across devices.
One big hurdle in managing passwords is it should not be available to device's or laptop's clip board.Clip board is a common shared area and can be accessible by any program residing in the device or laptop.Password Manager takes care of hiding the passwords from clip board whenever passwords are copied.It also shows a message "Item Pasted" on the top left corner, whenever the copied password is pasted to the application window.If any malicious program is stealing data from the clip board it is visible to you.Also password can be pasted only once. For the 2nd time no data is available.This helps you to figure out, in case if you are the victim of malicious program stealing data from your clip board.
Now you can really keep the passwords strong and cryptic. Password Manager generates such passwords for you.If you are lazy to change your password for a particular site, you can save the existing password of the site in Password Manager.You need not remember any of the passwords. Also you can keep a secure copy of your passwords on a laptop or a PC.You can also use the password manager in your PC and laptop.If you have another device, you can synchronize your passwords with that device too.All this is secure. Data transfer happens securely with PKI encryption.
With samsung devices, samsung has kept its clip board history program which is installed by default.This program steals anything you copy to clip board and records the history so that you or other applications can see the history.This is very bad. Samsung should disable this by default and only enable for the users who need it.Password Manager takes care here as well by not allowing passwords to be visible on the clip board.One glitch on samsung devices is that, the application windows other than browsers such as chrome and firefox,cannot read passwords copied by Password Manager. But do not loose hope.You can open up a firefox or chrome browser on samsung devices and they will be able to receive passwords.
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